A jewel tailor-made for you.
Giulia Di Properzio
Giulia Di Properzio, a designer and jeweler from Rome, has been creating a world of contemporary and feminine jewelry since 2015. Her personality and enthusiasm emerge in every work, a style made of sensitivity and instinct that goes beyond conventional design while at the same time remaining true to classic craftsmanship. And it is indeed from the creative relationship with skilled Roman goldsmiths that Giulia's jewelry is born, where sophistication and simplicity, contemporaneity, and tradition are timeless.
''Every creation of mine takes place in the deep water, far from every thought, a raft that becomes its own current, no navigation path behind me, no guiding light. In this total absence of collision, it is the materials that guide the design.''
Ottavia Izzo
Ottavia Izzo, a London College of Fashion graduate with a passion for philosophy, has been accompanying her mother in the creation of jewelry since 2022. Her personal style and careful vision of the dynamic world around us are reflected in the jewelry, giving life to intense and sophisticated combinations to be worn in one's personal way and integrated into the beautiful illustration of our identity.
''When a woman chooses a piece of jewelry she wants herself''
Come visit us
Via Bocca di Leone 42,
00187 Roma RM
Tuesday — Saturday
10:30AM — 7:00PM
+39 06 699 0372